The Credit Practices Rule includes “three major provisions. First, it prohibits creditors from using certain contract provisions that the Federal Trade Commission found to be unfair to consumers. … Second, the Rule requires creditors to advise consumers who cosign obligations about their potential liability if the other person fails to pay. Third, the Rule prohibits late charges in some situations.”

Penalties for non-compliance: “The Federal Trade Commission can sue violators of the Credit Practices Rule in federal court. The court can impose civil penalties of up to $10,000 for each violation and can issue an order prohibiting further violations.”

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Please note: This is not legal advice and dealers should always seek the assistance of qualified legal counsel.

From "19 Laws, Rules and Regulations That Can Cost You More Than Money" in the September 2010 issue of Auto Dealer Monthly.

About the author
Jennifer Murphy Bloodworth

Jennifer Murphy Bloodworth

Senior Assistant Editor

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